Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dancing at Discos, Eating Cheese on Toast

Sometimes in life...I have stretches of time where I am more bonkers than usual (and you all thought that wasn't possible). This would be one of those time.

Today Christian and I went on yet another adventure into the unknown. This time that unknown would be the world of sports and unexplored regions of the Metro East and St. Louis area. Now please do not get me wrong....CH and I may not be the most athletic or knowledgeable people when it comes to sports. BUT we do have a healthy appreciation for A. the people we know that are sporty B. trying new watching an Ultimate Frisbee Tournament at the college level AND C. any time the two of us can hang out and be insane (i.e. every time we or any of the bestests get together).

We started off the day getting up early and following my little sister's soccer team up to Alton, Illinois (which is supposed to be a very historical and HAUNTED location for all my lil history loving and ghost loving friends and family). After we dropped off my sister at her tournament we headed onward towards Deliverance, Mo for our Ultimate Frisbee Experience. On the way we did what we typically do during car adventure...see how many minutes I can shave off the estimated arrival time provided by "Madge" the GPS system (which would have been about 20 minutes off an hour and 15 minute drive), sing and dance like crazy people, and wear ridiculous hats in an attempt to 1. entertain and 2. make friends with everyone on the road. Needless to say....the driving part was sensational!
Karlee did not wear a funny hat...she wore a fake mustachio instead. It worked just as well for our purposes.

For those of you that are not in the know about Ultimate need a big open area to play. While CH and I knew this...there was a brief moment when we were convinced that we were either lost or had been played for fools and that there was really no tournament. Luckily this was not the case and we did find the field finally. After arriving we realized that it was much chillier and windier than we can anticipated and walking across multiple without having a clue as to where you are going...makes you look like a fool.

One of the MANY instances of us snuggling for warmth

The good news is that we both enjoyed watching the game/match (not sure the correct lingo) and we were both very excited to see our favorite Ultimate Frisbee player - Ryan (i.e. the reason we were there). As it turns out, the ultimate frisbee game is much more than we bargained for. Both teams are running around like mad and throwing the frisbee speedy quick and somehow managing to catch it while dodging and weaving through people all with the wind blowing like crazy. Saying I was baffled and impressed is really an understatement. Sure, I can catch a frisbee when it is tossed between friends...and yeah, we all know Christian has some frisbee skills (except for that one incident on the beach involving her and a trash can....but that is another amazing story in itself)...but Dear Baby Jesus! This was insane. The great part was that it was not just the frisbee playing that was intense. All the teams shout and chant and run around yelling like nutters...which clearly means I fit right in! They also eat A LOT of bananas. This was also a great source of amusement for me even though there is a logical reason...something to do with potassium and keeping the players from cramping up...blah blah blah. But in my is just a big ol' group of people...all of which enjoy walking around eating bananas.

After the game was done CH and I headed off to get food with Ryan and two of his friends. This in and of itself was an adventure because when Ryan takes the wheel and is driving down a narrow, curvy can tend to make a girl a nervous wreck! Now, now friends let us embrace that I can't really cast judgment on his driving skills because A. I am still alive B. I did not puke and C. Oh yeah....I'm actually a terrifying driver at times and it is really luck that I have not crashed and or killed anyone yet.

After the food situation was taken care of, CH and I had to scurry back to Alton to watch Karlee's second soccer game and then drive home. It was during our fast paced journey back to Alton that CH and I kept hearing what sounded like a duck quacking at us. This "duck" quacked every few minutes and would leave us completely baffled. It became quite annoying and was to the point where we wondered if there really could be a duck in the car. Perhaps some poor ducky wandered away from his pond and took shelter under the car away from the wind. I mean...I hear cats do it quite often. So really what would stop a duck from doing the same? After reaching this conclusion, Christian text Ryan to ask if it was possible for a duck to be either hiding in the car with us or to have crawled up under it. After receiving a text that it could be possible, Ryan also suggested that we pull over and look. Being the absolutely silly and insane girls we are....this caused us to erupt into uncontrollable laughter which was probably more dangerous to my driving skills than any stowaway duck could ever be. We did not really know what good it would do us or the duck if we did pull over. Would he be able to get out from under the car? Should we release him on the interstate? (that seemed sick and wrong to us) Did he miss his mother? As we pondered these questions we decided to drive on since any little duck that may be lurking in or under the car could not really be helped by either of us.

CH and I were making sure the duck was not hiding.

After sitting through watching a group of 13 year old girls playing soccer we headed home. Once we got there we were chatting with my family while finishing up preparations for a family birthday dinner and the duck topic came up. I explained to my parents how the noise was driving us insane and that neither of our phones, cameras, or iPods were making the noise. At this point both of my parents look at me like I am clearly the stupid child in the family and then let me know that A. I am ridiculous and B. I must have been speeding during the entire trip because as it turns out...the GPS will honk at you regularly if you go over 75mph. Another case of when it is just better if I keep my mouth shut.

The good news is the trip was a success and a blast... even if we did not make friends with a rouge hitchhiking duck.

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