Thursday, April 30, 2009

Break me out tonight I wanna see the sunrise and anywhere but here

Crafts 101 - The Kendra and Christian Adventures

Lesson 1: The Art of Plate Decorating

A simple fact in life is this: Cute dishes cost a shit ton of money. End. Of. Story.

Project - Decoupaging the back of clear plates and then sealing them so they can be used for food serving, eating and whatnot.

"What you are," Annie Said, "is a coward who's too scared to face himself in the mirror. You just can't admit it. You want to think of yourself as the carefree, playboy type, the urban sophisticate, the ultimate yuppie, but you're just a miserable chickenshit."

Skill Level: 1*
Anticipated Fun Level: 5
Actual Fun Level: 1.75
Final Product Rating: 4
*all ratings are on a scale of 0-5

Supplies: Clear glass plates, old book, scissors, decoupage (or glue mixed with water), paint brushes (we used the foam variety), Polyurethane sealer

Cost: 2.00 (each clear plate was 1.00 and already had the rest of the supplies)

Directions from: The Big Ass Book of Crafts by Mark Montano

Well first it must be embraced that I am a rather crafty girl. Christian and I decided to try this project for several reasons. The first being that we both love to decoupage (most days). Second being that love, love, love reading and these pages gave us the opportunity to make plates with pages from a book! Third, Christian had an old lady romance/murder novel laying about and we just had to jump at the chance to paste filthy pages all over a plate that we would be eating on.

So for those of you that do not have access to directions...the basic idea is taking a clear glass plate and decoupaging the back side of it so the image shows through on the front of the plate. Then you must repeatedly seal the plate and HAND WASH the plate when you clean it. Simple Pimple.

We had been planning the creation of our plates for quite some time now and finally got our shit together to actually start the project. Our first mistake was that we had spent four hours prior to crafting out and about shopping and roaming about C'dale. So needless to say, we did really have our game faces on...we mostly had our "it is time to buckle down and get this shit done" faces. Warning...that is not really the face one needs when one is planning on decoupaging outside with gale force winds. Well we finally got started and made it through our first plate when we came to the conclusion that we lost interest in our project despite the fact that plate #1 was lovely for both of us. Since one should never just have one plate...and I had already started my second plate...we worked through the boredom and exhaustion and finished plate #2.

While I will say that this project was nowhere near as fun as anticipated. It must be said that our negative attitudes at the time may or may not have seriosly impacted the fun level of this crafting experience. Also, that the final product is fan-f*ing-tastic and I can't wait to eat some delish cake off of one of these bad boys!

Do I recommend this project? YES! But only if you A. do not complete it outside in hurricane level winds B. have the proper mindset to sit and glue shit to a plate for an hour of your life and C. have the appropriate jams to keep you motivated and unaware of the severe pain that your back is experiences from hunching over your work. :)

That being is the final result with faux cupcake! (one plate was all the murder part of the book, the second plate was all the dirty sex scenes)

"Murder" plate


  1. Okay so I love love love this idea. I suppose I could use any kind of paper for the backside - i.e. images instead of printed words. Where do you get said plates? I am sure the rest of the stuff can be found at my local JoAnns (we dont have Hobby Lobby in CA).

  2. I know you would rather eat lead paint than shop at Wal-mart...but I got the plates at wal-mart for a buck.

  3. I love the idea of eating off dirty sex scenes, and as miserable as the process sounds, I want to do it.
